wish to dispose of them. All those of you who want issues we do not regularly stock can fill your files from those that we repurchase. They will cost you $6 per issue. Send us a list of those you want and we will send you the numbers of those available. Upon payment they will be sent to you. If we don't have them we'll hold your request till they come in and then notify you. If you don't wish to purchase but only to read back issues you may borrow from our rental library of ALL back issues. Send $6, $4 of which will be returned or credited when the copy is re- turned to us.
IV: RETURN OF RENTED COPIES: We set aside 3 copies of an is- sue when it runs out for the rental library. This is not very many but it is enough if all users of the library would respect its purpose — namely to enable everyone to read any back issues that they wish. But when some- body rents a copy and doesn't return it it deprives someone else of that opportunity. True there is a $4 extra deposit which such a person for- feits but the idea is not to sell TVia at $6 a copy, it's to keep the material available for all. So if you have rented and forgotten to return please do so and if you now have or plan to get any rental copies please read and return them promptly so others can have their turn.
V. UNPAID FOR MANUSCRIPTS: Sometimes authors forget to put their names on manuscripts sent in and I may fail to note that fact and mark the name on the material. When it comes to being published I don't know who the author is and who to pay for it. In some past is- sues (and in this one Boys Will Be Girls) stories have been printed without author's names. If any material appears which you wrote and for which you have not been paid please let me know so I can do so. Nos. 73 and 74 have not yet been paid out due to being swamped with work on the new stories plus being away. But if you've written something and your name didn't appear on it please say something.
VI. QUESTIONS, AND LETTERS: Once again I have to beg your cooperation. Please, to assure yourself of getting an answer, and to help me with a terrific postal bill, ask your questions in such a way that they can be answered yes or no or by providing a date, price or other spe- cific data. Put it on a card or sheet of paper and provide a stamped, ad- dressed envelope. If you will do this the questions can be answered the day we open your letter and get it back into the mail to you. When it re- quires a more lengthy answer the letter just has to hang around until I can get to it which in view of priorities is sometimes never.